Report on The Story of Stuff

Summary: The report on Annie Leonard, The Story of Stuff, is defined here.

The report of The Story of Stuff counts as 16 points toward your grade in SUST64001, Economics of Sustainability, and is due by class time on March 18, 2013.

Read The Story of Stuff and my notes closely and then respond to the tasks below. Please supplement the reading with:

  1. my class notes and its many supportive links to enrich your report

  2. My PowerPoint presentations on the Introduction, Extraction, and the rest of the materials cycle.


  1. Identify the three most important sections in the book that for you bring to life the themes of Ecology, Economics, and Ethics. Write at least a page on each section that explains what resonates for you and why.

  2. In about two pages, provide your overall summary of the book and explain what you learned from the book. I wish to discover your response to The Story of Stuff.

  3. What will you bring into your life as a result of studying The Story of Stuff? This is an open-ended question that should be a page or more.


The essay of about six pages allows me to assess your learning and how meaningful this section of the course has been to you as a student, a consumer, an investor, and a citizen. The also gives me a useful sample of your unique writing and cognitive style, which will help me to guide you as the course progresses.

The Story of Stuff should be an engaging and delightful experience, so there is no need to turn this into an arduous task. Be thoughtful, reflective, and clear in your response. I will allocate the grading of the total paper on two criteria: depth and content.

Please submit the essay as a MS Word attachment to an email sent to or to by class time on March 18.

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